Press Cuttings

Download Tine’s CV as a PDF file press_cuttings_files/CV-Tine_De_Ruysser.pdf

Kwintessens 2002

Hephaistos 2004

Adorn 2009

kM 2002

l’art du pli 2009

Textiel Plus 2008

Wallpaper 2010

Nr 1 (jan, feb, march) / 2002 Year XI

p. 40-43

Title: “geplooid metaal: een droom / folded metal: a dream?”

Author: Bie Luyssaert

Nr 44 (Winter) / 2002 

p. 21-22

Title: “Flexibele structuren, Plooibaar metaal van

Tine De Ruysser”

Author: Caroline Boot

Nr 5/6 / 2004

p. 64-65

Title: Neue wege zweier Belgier

Presentation of the metalwork of Talente 2004

Nr. 205 Autumn 2008

p. 27-29

Title: Veelzijdig vouwwerk / multifaceted folding

Author: Marjolijn van Duyn

Zoot 2010

p. 60

Author: Jean-Charles Trebbi

Éditions Alternatives

ISBN 978-286227-574-1

p. 239

Author: Amanda Mansell, Laurence King Publishing Ltd.

ISBN 978-1-85669-574-9

Nr. 130 / January 2010 p. 33 & 104

Graduate directory

Nr. 3 / Spring 2010

p. 29

Title: The Folding Stuff

Author: Anna Batista

Copyright Tine De Ruysser 1995-2013

About TineAbout_Tine.html
Wearable Metal OrigamiWearable_Metal_Origami.html
Copper LaceworkCopper_Lacework.html
Banknote JewelleryBanknote_Jewellery.html
Previous WorkPrevious_work.html
Links & contactLinks.html
Press Cuttings
World Money ProjectWorld_Money_Project.html

Textiel Plus

Nr. 219, Spring 2012

p. 5

Title: Sign@lement

Author: Dorothé Swinkels

Green Design

p. 40-41

Author: Dorian Lucas

Braun Publishing

ISBN 978-3-03768-068-1


Nr. 186 / November 2010

p. 12,

Title: Memes pas Capes

Author: Isabelle Moisy

Le Vif Weekend


Title: Jeune Creation, Trieste s’ouvre aux Bijoux

Author: Baudouin Galler

Paper Articles and Books


www.domusweb.it               Money Ornaments - 17/12/2013

dailyartmuse.com                Tine De Ruysser: Metal/Wood Folded Fabric Sculpture and Wearable Art

                                            Susan Lomuto - 15/02/2012

www.itsweb.org                   Finalists Database

www.storieblog                    Tine De Ruysser’s money jewelry, something to think about - Storie - 09/11/2011

www.telegraph.com             Pictures of the day - 05/10/2011

www.designboom.com        Tine De Ruysser: banknote Jewellery - nate db - 16/09/2010

www.designboom.com        Tine De Ruysser: Wearable Metal Origami - nate db - 07/09/10

irenebrination.typepad.com Pleats (and Folds!) Please: Tine De Ruysser - Anna Battista - 19/04/2010

www.pleatfarm.com             Folds by Tine De Ruysser - pleatfarmer - 25/03/2010

www.ecouterre.com             Tine De Ruysser Makes Fabulous Origami Jewelry Out of Banknotes

                                             Jasmin Malik Chua - 15/06/10 


Nr. 16, March 2012

p. 73

Part of Art Talk: ‘Paper Pandora’

Author: Ada Cheng

Textiel Plus

Nr. 215, Spring 2011

p. 20

Title: Textiel Plus Dagen